About Us

Meet the Experts in Holistic Health and Energy Healing

After viewing Dr. Sandra Rose Michael's YouTube interview with Jason Shurka in June of 2022, Sandy Banker and Elsie Kerns joined forces and said, "Let's do it and bring this EESystem to New Jersey!"

This fantastic technology infused with color therapy, bio-photon light, and quantum wellness scalar wave energies ignited our desire and passion to serve the community for optimal health and wellness. Infinite Possibilities has added the most advanced Far InfraRed Sauna, the Bio-Well energy scan, and Lymphatic Drainage. 

Sandy is an architect who wants to offer advanced wellness technology to the general public. Elsie has been teaching healthy lifestyle practices for 30 years and is excited to introduce this futuristic healing technology to our community with Sandy. Together, in May 2023, they opened the Infinite Possibilities Center in Marlton, New Jersey.

A Journey of Healing and Wellness in Marlton, NJ

Our Mission

The mission of Infinite Possibilities is to provide restful and relaxing energy technology to assist the body's own innate healing wisdom on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Experiencing this energy together in a group setting magnifies healing potential and also promotes planetary healing. 

Our Professionals 

Rachel Nungester   provides the certified (LET) Lymphatic Drainage service at Infinite Possibilities. LET is FDA-approved and excellent for edema, breast health, post-op, and more. Rachel is a Licensed Massage & Medical Massage Therapist. Schedule your appointment with Rachel at 267. 441.3819.

Elsie Kerns is an Energy Intuitive, Advanced Eden Energy Method Practitioner, Reiki Master teaching all levels, Stress Specialist for Workplace Wellness, and Certified Spot-It Coach™. elsie@wellnesswithelsie.com ~ 609.744.6787. In 2022, Elsie teamed up with Sandy Banker to bring the Energy Enhancement System to Infinite Possibilities.

Get to know the team dedicated to your wellness. Learn more about our story, and let us help you achieve lasting health and balance, call now at 856-983-1767!

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